Tuesday 20 July 2010

Big aries ram tattoo designs | Zodiac Tattoos

Big aries ram tattoo designs

Big aries ram tattoo designs featuring the ram can range from natural — a portrait-type piece, placed in its native setting; or something more fantastic, such as a ram’s head butting through the wearers skin, or surrounded by flames (as Aries is a fire sign). Another great option is a ram profile done in pieces, giving a similar appearance as stained glass.
Big aries ram tattoo designs

The zodiac Big aries ram tattoo designs can also be easily played up. Even creating a large, black
piece can make a bold statement. But this may be too simple for some Aries folks, so as an alternative, this symbol can be mixed with other corresponding factors, such as flames, a dust storm or a war god with the Big aries ram tattoo designs as a breast plate (as Mars is Aries’ ruling planet, and can be identified both with the stormy atmosphere of Mars and the fact that this planet was named after the god of war).
Big aries ram tattoo designs

One of the wonderful things about Big aries ram tattoo designs, and really any astrological tattoo, is that it can be mixed with just about any other symbol that has meaning to its wearer. Flowers,
music notes and frequently, a visage of the wearers child (who may be born under any of the astrological signs). The glyph can also be morphed into many different designs. For instance, the curved ‘V’ would make a novel looking heart; it can be intertwined with a number of religious symbols, or turned into a shield akin to a family crest. The unique appearance of the rams head makes it easy to place in many Celtic and Gothic styles as well.

Big aries ram tattoo designs

Another fabulous option would be to use the Big aries ram tattoo designs constellation. You can place the stars around your chosen area and connect each star, thus creating the outline of Aries. This is a very soft, simple and stylish design that still manages to make an impact.

Whatever option you choose for your tattoo, make sure it represents who you are both as an Big aries ram tattoo designs and an individual.
Big aries ram tattoo designs